Centre City Banners: Call for Artists 2026 – 2028

Closing Date of Opportunity: February 19, 2025

Name or Organization: Calgary Arts Development

Contact Email: alex.lingnau@calgaryartsdevelopment.com

Website: http://calgaryartsdevelopment.com/public-art/opportunities/all/centre-city-banners-call-for-artists-2025/

Post Content: Centre City Banners: Applications Open
Applications for the Centre City Banners Artist Call are now being accepted and the deadline for this call is February 19, 2025.

For over a decade, the Centre City Banner Program has engaged local artists to create original artwork for banners displayed on poles on five bridges leading into the core, creating open air galleries and acting as gateways to Calgary’s downtown and cultural district. Since 2021 Calgary Arts Development has managed this program, commissioning and working with artists to create artwork and partnering with the City of Calgary for production and installation of the banners. Visit our website for more information on the Centre City Banner program. You can learn more about the program’s background on the City of Calgary’s website here.

Three artists will be selected to develop six original artworks that consider the different characteristics of Calgary, and celebrate our cultures, communities, histories, geography and diversity. Artists are selected by an assessment committee and the display period for each artist’s series lasts for approximately one year, with installations in May. Throughout the year, the City of Calgary may temporarily replace the banners to mark specific dates or occasions.

Banners will be displayed at the following locations:

Centre Street Bridge
MacDonald Bridge
Louise (10 Street ) Bridge
Mewata (14 Street) Bridge
Reconciliation Bridge
The objectives for the Centre City Banner Program are to:

Enhance the streetscape and provide a vibrant and colourful ‘placemaking’ statement.
Highlight bridges as ‘gateways’ into the downtown core.
Celebrate Calgary’s culture, communities, histories, geography and diversity.
Provide opportunities for artists of all levels to share their artworks and stories.
Provide pedestrians, cyclists and drivers with an engaging visual art experience.
Information Session

The information session for this program will be held online on January 16, 2025 from 12 – 1pm. The purpose of this session is to provide more context about the Centre City Banner program, and review application criteria and process. You can register for the info session here.

There is also an Open Hours session for this program on January 30, 2025 from 10am – 4pm. You can register here for a 30-minute session to meet with the Project Lead to ask questions about the program or your application.

If you have questions or require assistance, please reach out to the project lead, Alex Lingnau, at alex.lingnau@calgaryartsdevelopment.com or 403.264.5330 ext.110.




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